Friday, November 18, 2011

The Era of Bell Bottoms and 8 Tracks
     The 1970's was full of bell bottoms and eight tracks. I always hear about bell bottoms and how "cool" all of the adults over the age of 40 thought they were. Whenever I hear the songs Bridge Over Troubled Water or My Sharona I always hear "That sounded so much better on an eight track." Which is why I want to go back in the past to the bell bottom's and eight tracks...
   I would work at one of the coolest places ever....The Music Industry!!! The music industry was booming in the 70's and people made good money. Which who doesn't want money?!? Working in the music industry could make you a millionaire and you could meet some of the famous singers in the world.
   The 70's would be a great era to go back to and wear bell bottoms and listen to 8 tracks!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

M'M's ~ Carly ~ And the two whales.

Malanee, Marissa, and I had almost been attacked by a humpback whale! After we paddled back to shore, there are news crews everywhere! They asked us...Why we were so far out there? Well, we were fishing for Marissa's shoe after Malanee used it as bait for fish, although it had already sank to the bottom of the ocean. Malanee, who was a pro surfer got on a surf board to try and find the shoe. What happened out there and what was going through our minds as those whales almost ate us? Truthfully we didn't have anything going through our minds when it happened because we were so stunned! We don't really know what happened except we were about to meet the Whale that swallowed Jonah. LOL Were we worried that we would be swallowed? Yes we were worried! We didn't want to be swallowed by a whale!  And who was with us out there? God was definitely with us, along with a video camera that none of us know where it came from along with 20,000 fish and two humpback whales.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Winter Woman

Winter Woman! Made by Carly not copied off of Google
      Sydney broke into a candy store and stole Hershey bars, feeling bad when the cops arrived, she blamed it on Cassidy. Even though Cassidy didn't do it, she still got blamed for it. The only ones who knew the truth were, Sydney, although she wouldn't admit it, Cassidy, who went to jail anyway, and me, who was a super hero out to save friends in need.
      My super hero powers are...I can look at the sky and it will start snowing, I can look at food and it will freeze and I can make the roads freeze also! Soooo.....while Cassidy was in jail, Sydney was at home eating Hershey Bars. At midnight in the middle of winter, I went to the jail and there stood Cassidy singing Lil Wayne. Even though she hates Lil Wayne she was desperate! I was standing outside of the jail, peaking in her cell window. I finally got her attention, I had to find some way to make the cop leave his desk.  With my powers, I froze the cops donut which resulted in him having to go into the kitchen. This was my chance to get the keys to Cassidy's jail cell. I reached Cassidy just in time before the cop came back and saw us leave. As we are running out of the door, the cop gets into his cop car and starts chasing after us. That's when I decided to use my super powers to freeze the roads and make it snow! Resulting in the cop having to turn his vehicle around and not follow us. We ran into Sydney's house to discover her still eating chocolate bars.

Cassidy looked at Sydney and said "Stop! In the name of frozen chocolate bars!" Then Cassidy chased Sydney outside of her house in the snow with a chocolate bar.

Soon after, Sydney fell in the snow because she could barely run after eating so many chocolate bars. She was soo bloated with all the extra calories! Then Cassidy began throwing frozen chocolate bars at her for payback.

To end the story off I frozen the chocolate bars to the snow, then we all went ice skating on frozen chocolate, in the middle of winter. That was definitely the best way to end a great day!
