Monday, December 19, 2011

It's that Time of The Year!!! Christmas!!! Wooohooo!

Dear Santa, 
         I have been partially good this year. I wouldn't call myself the nicest person in the world...everyone has their faults. Although I was pretty good, I'm not wanting that much this year just the usual gifts. I have finally talked myself into wanting a Wii even though I'm not much of a gamer. I want some clothes too but I'm afraid you won't know my taste. Not everything has to have blinking elves on it! I would enjoy some up to date clothes although I had always had my doubts about you. I didn't understand how you could just come down my chimney and land your sleigh on my roof. It's okay though because I still have little cousins that believe in you and I would hate to spoil it for them. I'm not Cassidy who probably tells everyone over the age of two that Santa isn't real. I hope you have very safe travels this year...Oh, and don't forget to charge your iPhone!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Keeping Up With the Kardashians!!!

    Keeping Up With the Kardashians is one of the best shows ever! It shows on channel 114 on Dish. It's my favorite TV Show because the Kardashians are always doing something new. Khloe Kardashian is a good celebrity role model. I like watching Keeping Up With the Kardashians because they aren't like any other family. There whole family is constantly in the headlines and they are constantly expanding. They have made a global phenomenon that is out of this world. Everyday they are doing something new! It just amazes me!!! Whenever I watch it, I always feel normal because of how abnormal they are! Keeping Up With the Kardashians is one of the most amazing shows of all time!

Friday, December 9, 2011

The Swing :'(

The worst pain I have ever felt was when I was in the fifth grade. One cheerful day at recess we decided we could run towards a swing and land on our stomachs in the swing. I took off at a galloping pace towards the swing, thinking that it would catch me. Soon enough the ramshackle swing was smacked by my childish body. Instead of me landing perfectly in the swing, I was too top heavy and down I went. I landed on the ground with a thud. Of course Cassidy and Harlie were right beside me, they both freaked out and helped me get up to find my glasses laying in the dirt and my face scratched and bleeding. We all scampered to Mrs. Killian so she could get me to Nurse Ashley. When they finally got me in the building Nurse Ashley called my mom home I went. No, I didn't go to the doctor but I did go home until lunch. Running and falling head first off of a swing would probably be physical but it was also emotional because my face looked torn up!!!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Paper Plates!!!

One of the greatest invention's in the world is...Paper Plates!!! Paper plates prevent people from having to wash dishes or have the havoc of breaking a glass plate. When you eat on a paper plate all you have to do is throw it away. Without paper plates we would eat on glass plates even for take out food! Could you imagine going to McDonald's and instead of getting your food on a paper plate you get it on a glass plate? That would be so weird! Paper plates are definitely one of the greatest inventions ever!!!

Friday, November 18, 2011

The Era of Bell Bottoms and 8 Tracks
     The 1970's was full of bell bottoms and eight tracks. I always hear about bell bottoms and how "cool" all of the adults over the age of 40 thought they were. Whenever I hear the songs Bridge Over Troubled Water or My Sharona I always hear "That sounded so much better on an eight track." Which is why I want to go back in the past to the bell bottom's and eight tracks...
   I would work at one of the coolest places ever....The Music Industry!!! The music industry was booming in the 70's and people made good money. Which who doesn't want money?!? Working in the music industry could make you a millionaire and you could meet some of the famous singers in the world.
   The 70's would be a great era to go back to and wear bell bottoms and listen to 8 tracks!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

M'M's ~ Carly ~ And the two whales.

Malanee, Marissa, and I had almost been attacked by a humpback whale! After we paddled back to shore, there are news crews everywhere! They asked us...Why we were so far out there? Well, we were fishing for Marissa's shoe after Malanee used it as bait for fish, although it had already sank to the bottom of the ocean. Malanee, who was a pro surfer got on a surf board to try and find the shoe. What happened out there and what was going through our minds as those whales almost ate us? Truthfully we didn't have anything going through our minds when it happened because we were so stunned! We don't really know what happened except we were about to meet the Whale that swallowed Jonah. LOL Were we worried that we would be swallowed? Yes we were worried! We didn't want to be swallowed by a whale!  And who was with us out there? God was definitely with us, along with a video camera that none of us know where it came from along with 20,000 fish and two humpback whales.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Winter Woman

Winter Woman! Made by Carly not copied off of Google
      Sydney broke into a candy store and stole Hershey bars, feeling bad when the cops arrived, she blamed it on Cassidy. Even though Cassidy didn't do it, she still got blamed for it. The only ones who knew the truth were, Sydney, although she wouldn't admit it, Cassidy, who went to jail anyway, and me, who was a super hero out to save friends in need.
      My super hero powers are...I can look at the sky and it will start snowing, I can look at food and it will freeze and I can make the roads freeze also! Soooo.....while Cassidy was in jail, Sydney was at home eating Hershey Bars. At midnight in the middle of winter, I went to the jail and there stood Cassidy singing Lil Wayne. Even though she hates Lil Wayne she was desperate! I was standing outside of the jail, peaking in her cell window. I finally got her attention, I had to find some way to make the cop leave his desk.  With my powers, I froze the cops donut which resulted in him having to go into the kitchen. This was my chance to get the keys to Cassidy's jail cell. I reached Cassidy just in time before the cop came back and saw us leave. As we are running out of the door, the cop gets into his cop car and starts chasing after us. That's when I decided to use my super powers to freeze the roads and make it snow! Resulting in the cop having to turn his vehicle around and not follow us. We ran into Sydney's house to discover her still eating chocolate bars.

Cassidy looked at Sydney and said "Stop! In the name of frozen chocolate bars!" Then Cassidy chased Sydney outside of her house in the snow with a chocolate bar.

Soon after, Sydney fell in the snow because she could barely run after eating so many chocolate bars. She was soo bloated with all the extra calories! Then Cassidy began throwing frozen chocolate bars at her for payback.

To end the story off I frozen the chocolate bars to the snow, then we all went ice skating on frozen chocolate, in the middle of winter. That was definitely the best way to end a great day!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Drug Awarness & Texting While Driving

Yesterday while we were sitting in our comfortable seats in the auditorium, I learned about steroids and texting while driving. Why would you take steroids if they don't make you any stronger or any faster? If you overdose on them they make you look like an idiot. Although many people think they will be better at what they do, they actually won't. They will be even worse you could end up getting infections, or you could be a man and then after steroids you will look like a girl or vice versa'. I also learned to not text and drive. Many people have been injured or killed just because someone needed to answer someone's message. Now I know that it can wait, answering a text message isn't as important as killing someone. Even though half of the high school cried during the presentation we have all realized the importance of not doing drugs or texting while driving.

Celebrity Consequences


Many celebrities think that because they are famous, they shouldn't have to abide by the rules or laws. But should they? Yes! They most defiantly should! Although they usually don't, their punishments are sometimes very harsh, or not even bad at all. Lindsay Lohan's punishment after taking a $2,500 necklace without permission, was very harsh. Cleaning a morgue? Really? Yes, she deserves it, but it is a little far fetched for a punishment. Instead of making her clean a morgue, put her in jail!!! Where she and many other celebrities belong!!! Celebrities aren't ever going to know they did anything wrong until they are punished with something worse than cleaning. Instead of going to a celebrity jail where they are still treated with many accommodations, they should go to jail like the normal criminal. They shouldn't get any special treatment. Then maybe they would learn their lesson... 

Friday, October 21, 2011


     Oh the Halloween memories I have! Very many, but the best one is definitely when I dressed up as a dog. I had on a very warm dog costume surrounded by a cardboard box to hold all of my stuffed dogs. Yes, we all thought I was adorable but we forgot the one simple fact..."Gee, will she fit in the car?" So we soon found out the answer when I had walked as much as I could to the neighbor's houses. My mom picked me up and was about to put me in the car when she heard "Kerplunck!" My box got stuck in the door frame of the car. So the only way to get me in was to take all of the dogs out, set them beside me, and then turn the box sideways...With me still in it....So the whole process took at least five minutes. When it comes to trick or treating you need to be able to get in the car in one minute, so you can still get the good candy. So now, every time Halloween rolls around the corner I always remember the year of the dog costume.

Shelagh was happy, it was Halloween and she was in love. This evening she would see Jack and they were going to Reading to watch a movie that she particularly wanted to see. As she considered what to wear she hummed along to the music on her radio. The news presenter cut in to issue a news flash that a serial killer had escaped from the nearby Broadmoor Mental Hospital. The presenter described the man as deranged with only one hand as the other had been replaced with a hook. He was not to be approached as he was classified as very dangerous. Shelagh took little notice of the newsflash as she sang to the next tune being played. She showered and dressed in her most fetching outfit for the evening out. Jack arrived in his new [to him] Lexus and they set off from Crowthorne to see the film. The movie proved to be excellent and on the way home Jack pulled into a quiet lane near Easthampstead for a kiss and a cuddle while listening to the romantic songs played on his digital radio.
As had happened earlier the program was interrupted by a news flash which stated that the killer was still at large and had not been taken into custody. Jack appeared not to hear the news and carried on canoodling. Shelagh was now scared as Easthampstead is rather like the back of beyond and the night was pitch dark with no moon. She asked Jack to take her home. Jack preferred to stay in the romantic situation in which he found himself and for some little while they argued about the 'hook man'. Just then, the car rocked and there was a loud noise. Shelagh screamed at Jack to drive on and he seemed oblivious to the earlier movement. She shouted again and, Jack, with a scowl, raced off into the night. At her home, near Crowthorne, Jack got out to open Shelagh's door as he thought that would impress her and let her know that he was not angry with her after their cross words. He walked round the Lexus and stared fixedly at something on the side of the car, his mouth gaped and moving soundlessly. Shelagh, concerned, rolled down her window and shrieked at what she saw.
There, on the door handle, right next to where she had been sitting hung, a hook.

      Q: What are ghosts' favorite kind of streets?
      A: Dead ends!

      Q: Why do demons and ghouls hang out together?
      A: Because demons are a ghouls best friend!

      Q: What kind of make up was the girl wearing on Halloween?
      A: Mash-scara!

Friday, October 14, 2011

When the Time Comes...

When the time comes that I die, I would like to be the member of the family that gets talked about on Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. I want to be the one that the family always talks about, like when they say "Oh you remember Carly?" "Oh boy was she a self-opinionated one." "She was sweet and loving, but she had a mind of her own!" I haven't really ever thought about what my legacy would be, or even how my family is going to write my obituary. I would hope though, that they would include some of the things I'm good at, like drawing and playing the clarinet. I hope I get to live a while longer though, and find what my calling is in life. I hope that my legacy would be my love for animals, or at least the fact that I love all living things and wouldn't ever want to kill them. Well...That's all folks!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

...The Most Discusting Food EVER...SAUERKRAUT

When I think of horrid food I think of sauerkraut. Just the name of it is disgusting. I remember my first experience vividly. I was at my grandma's house when I tasted the disgusting food. It tasted sweet and sour but yet it was slimy. My dad told me to try it because it tasted good. I bit into it and just by the gut-wrenching smell I knew I shouldn't have tried it. Although I didn't listen to myself, the minute I bit into it, a mixture of tastes rush into my mouth. Most of which were atrocious. I now know not to eat sauerkraut ever again!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

        When it comes to music, I love listening to modern music. I love listening to it because it has such a good beat and there are some pretty cool songs out there. My favorite artist is Train. Because they have two of my favorite songs, Hey Soul Sister and Shake Up Christmas. I really don't have a favorite song I just love a lot of songs like Good Life by One Republic or Tonight Tonight by Hot Chelle Rae. My least favorite song is anything by Justin Bieber, and you guessed it my least favorite artist is Justin Bieber!
        My parents listen to "Oldies" which yes of course I approve of because when I was little that was all I listened too. My parents really don't like my music, although I still listen to it. Times are changing and so is music!


Friday, September 23, 2011

The Emmy Awards are Changing the World...

When you think of the Emmy's you probably think of your favorite TV show. No matter what show you think of it probably has a few cuss words here and a few cuss words there. Or maybe even a few scenes that should be deleted. In my opinion everyday the world is changing whether it be good or bad. Some people think everything new is bad and that we should never change. But if we never change how can we expect to have anything new and interesting? That is just the case with Television Shows. We may be stepping over the line a little to far but at the same time we can't watch everything with a moral value of Blue's Clues. If we put ourselves in the shoes of the millions that work for the Entertainment Industry we would see why we might not always be able to continue to watch Blue's Clues. For one reason people will get tired of watching the same thing, and then what happens? The Entertainment Industry looses their profit. But if you think about it how many people the age of a teenager are going to want to sit and watch Blues Clues? Not many, so the Entertainment Industry produces shows that we want to watch. Most of the shows include cussing and violet scenes. But most other people that are older than forty aren't going to want to watch stuff like that thinking that it is crossing the line. It boils down to the fact of what you think is right and what you think is wrong. In my opinion I don't care if there are terrible TV shows with nothing but violence because I have the freedom to turn the channel and not have to watch it.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I chose this picture because whenever I think about hope I think about being a Christian and having faith that everything will work out. When the twin towers fell many people thought that the world was over. Whenever they saw the cross standing tall amidst the rubble everyone knew that our country would stick together and have hope. So now looking back ten years ago we still remember that horrible day, but we also remember the hope that kept our country together.  

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

*mY hObBiEs*

Some people might be interested in video gaming or staying indoors...But that's not me! I love to be outside drawing, it is one of my best hobbies. I'm not going to call myself a great artist but I do enjoy creating new things through art. Second of all I love to swim. I love to relax and just float on the water. Last but not least I enjoy playing tennis. It is a great way to exercise but still have fun. I love drawing because I can be myself and express my opinions in my own way. When I swim I can relax and not worry about anything, for one it's summer and two, it's usually 110 degrees making the water feel very refreshing. When I play tennis I get to have fun with my friends but still stay active. Whether it's drawing or swimming I know I will be enjoying myself either way!

