Monday, December 17, 2012
If I had $100,000 to give away, I would give it to people in need. I would donate $50,000 to families and children in need. I would go buy toys, clothing, and food for those needy people. The other $50,000 I would donate to research. $25,000 for cancer research and the other $25,000 to American Diabetes Association.
Monday, December 10, 2012
My magical cow!
If a cow could produce something besides milk, I would hope they would make lemonade. Lemonade is better than milk, and I like to drink it more than milk. Lemonade isn't as nutritious as milk, but if a cow could make make lemonade, I would be happy. If a cow could produce lemonade I would have my own personal cow. I would have my own magical cow that would make lemonade for me whenever I wanted it.
(Mrs. Waters the first sentence is bigger due to the fact that it won't bold.)
(Mrs. Waters the first sentence is bigger due to the fact that it won't bold.)
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Road Rage
I'm the type of person that you don't want to make mad. At. All. Sometimes I over-react but most of the time, I'm right. The last time I got mad was Monday, when I had terrible road rage. Some guy or woman who had an Oklahoma license plate decided that he or she would try to pass me not once, not twice, but three times. The first time the person in the little white car tried to pass me he or she finally realized that they couldn't pass on a double yellow line. The second time they tried to pass me they succeeded in doing so. I had moved to the passing lane since there was a truck on the side of the road that I didn't want to hit. They decided that they could pass me on the other side, between the truck and the passenger side of my vehicle. As I glared at the little person in his white car I realized that I should be the bigger person and a better driver. I took my cruise control off and slowed down to 65 where I then let them pass me on the wrong side of the road. While yes they had already passed me I figured that he would stay in the lane he or she was in but I was wrong. The idiot then crossed over into the passing lane and the same time that I obeyed by the law and got into the other lane to drive. They weren't just causing me to have road rage he or she also thought they would be cool and speed up to at least 80. When I think back to Monday I presume I handled it the best way possible since I was going down the road at 70 mph. I couldn't make a very harsh decision at the moment in time. Unlike the inexperienced driver in the little white car.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Give Thanks!
I'm thankful for a God that loves me! Without God nothing would be possible, if it weren't for him nothing would matter in life. I'm thankful for my parents! If I didn't have my parents I wouldn't be were I am today. They have gotten me through so much, good and bad. I'm thankful for both of my Grandmas! Without them I wouldn't be as spoiled as I am. While they do spoil me they have truly been there for me when I needed to laugh and when I needed to cry. I'm thankful for my dog Tuffy! Without Tuffy I would be cold in the winter and bored all year long. While I do have friends, my dog outshines them all. Last but not least, I'm thankful for money! While money can't buy happiness it does buy food, vehicles, clothing, well you get the point. People say that you don't know what you have until it's gone and in this busy world it's sometimes hard to remember to be thankful every minute of your life. During the Holiday seasons I tend to remember what I have and how thankful I am for all of it. I'm thankful that I have a God that loves me unconditionally. For a family that is there for each other every second of every day. While it may sound spoiled I'm thankful for money, without it I might be happy but I wouldn't get to go and do the things that I get to do. Give thanks for everything God has blessed you with in life!
Friday, November 9, 2012
Stranded with my Aunt
If I was on a stranded island and could only have one friend plus two items, I would take a source of power and a phone charger. As for who I would take, probably my Aunt. She would keep us both entertained and have her cell phone. That way she would have her cell phone to call all of our family members. I think we would get along pretty good, that is until we ran out of food.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
The daughter got "fresh", meaning she was sarcastic and rude to her parents like most teenagers have done in their life. If it was me, I wouldn't give a care if there was a bad or embarrassing picture on my Facebook of my parents. I don't believe that was a harsh punishment for a child. If the parents are paying for everything she has they have the right to do whatever they want. The point that the parents were trying to make was to show their daughter who is boss. If she doesn't learn her lesson she will continue to act "fresh". I don't think my parents would ever do that to me, we have more class than that. If I ever did something wrong my parents would just tell me, they wouldn't go post it all over Facebook.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
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Wednesday, October 17, 2012
I believe that children up to the age of 16 should be allowed to Trick-Or-Treat. After you turn 16 though, you should go Trick-Or-Treating with a younger friend or family member. In my opinion it's okay then, just don't walk up to my door alone when your 16 and ask for candy. I strongly dislike when 17 year old "kids" come to my house on Halloween looking all big and bad. Then they think I'm going to let them pick what candy they want. I don't know who they think they are but is it really unnecessary to be rude.Besides little kids look cuter dressed up in their costumes than an 18 year old guy thinking he can pull off Batman.
The three camps:
The sure's
The no's
The middle-grounders.
I believe I'm classified as "the no's". After 16, don't come to my door, dressed as Batman, asking for candy. Point. Blank.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Back in the day.
I ate the blue one! :) |
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
My Three Pet Peeves
Definition of Pet Peeve : Something that makes someone aggravated or annoyed. It's a noun.
1. My biggest pet peeve is when someone accuses me of something that I didn't do.
2. Another pet peeve I have is when someone smacks gum louder than I talk to my grandma.
3. My last pet peeve is when someone yells at a baby, when truly they don't know any better.
1. My biggest pet peeve is when someone accuses me of something that I didn't do.
2. Another pet peeve I have is when someone smacks gum louder than I talk to my grandma.
3. My last pet peeve is when someone yells at a baby, when truly they don't know any better.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
"Rolling in the Deep"
Ahhh quick sand!!! I came upon the fluffy white cloud looking for a place to go. Right when I saw the human I knew her ear would be a great place to make camp. Little did I know, I would soon be rolling in the deep due to all the ear wax. It's a wonder that human could even hear BEFORE I crawled in her ear. I crawled in her ear anyway, instead of following my keen senses. I should have not even attempted to make my way on through the canal. Unfortunately I did which landed me five days in a sticky, nasty, gross ear canal. Every time that lady coughed, sneezed, snored, or even talked, I was rolling in the deep. I was rolling in the deep ear wax of a woman who didn't know what cotton swabs were.
The five days felt like forever, not only could I not move except for two of my legs, but I couldn't stand the smell either. After about three days I knew I couldn't bare it any longer. Luckily the lady did know not to scratch her ear. By the fourth day I knew I was stuck in her ear wax and wasn't going to be able to get out.
Luckily the fifth day the lady went to the doctor and BAM!, I was saved. I wasn't just saved by crawling out. It was a very difficult process, the lady went to the doctor to see why she had such a bad itch in her ear. She didn't know that I was in her ear though, so when they asked her what was wrong she just stated "My ear itches." They weren't thinking they would find me when they looked in her ear but there I was! After numerous conversations discussing how I was to be carefully removed they decided that a saline solution would be the safest for both of us. The saline solution went in her ear and I came out! I will never again "roll in the deep".
The five days felt like forever, not only could I not move except for two of my legs, but I couldn't stand the smell either. After about three days I knew I couldn't bare it any longer. Luckily the lady did know not to scratch her ear. By the fourth day I knew I was stuck in her ear wax and wasn't going to be able to get out.
Luckily the fifth day the lady went to the doctor and BAM!, I was saved. I wasn't just saved by crawling out. It was a very difficult process, the lady went to the doctor to see why she had such a bad itch in her ear. She didn't know that I was in her ear though, so when they asked her what was wrong she just stated "My ear itches." They weren't thinking they would find me when they looked in her ear but there I was! After numerous conversations discussing how I was to be carefully removed they decided that a saline solution would be the safest for both of us. The saline solution went in her ear and I came out! I will never again "roll in the deep".
Monday, September 17, 2012
Life Lesson's
My Life Lesson:
The most important life lesson that I have learned so far in life is to never take anything for granted. Never take anything for granted, nothing from the food on your kitchen table to your worst enemy in life. All of these things can be gone in the blink of an eye. I don't really know if anyone taught me this lesson except for past experiences. Everything from having best friends move away to love one's dying I have realized that you shouldn't even take having an enemy for granted. It's not an easy lesson to learn, but it could very easily be learned in one day. Like I said things happen in the blink of an eye, in one second your life could change forever. Depending on how you interpret this life lesson also depends on the age at which you learn it. Through-out life you become wiser and you are filled with more wisdom. With life comes lesson's and with lesson's comes wisdom.
My Dad's Life Lesson:
All of life is a gift and you can learn to just say thank you for each of life's gifts. Or you can whine, complain and worry about the gifts life doesn't give you that you believe you deserve. People can sit around and complain that they don't have a new car or a million dollars. Be grateful for what you have, and don't sit around and complain about what you don't have. It can not be learned in one day and my Dad learned it throughout the years.
My Mom's Life Lesson:
If your happy with the person looking back at you in the mirror, mission accomplished. This means you should always, without a doubt, be YOURSELF! You should treat others how you want to be treated, say only nice things to one another. Be the person God would want you to be. My Mom was taught this lesson by her parents. It takes many years to learn this lesson.
The most important life lesson that I have learned so far in life is to never take anything for granted. Never take anything for granted, nothing from the food on your kitchen table to your worst enemy in life. All of these things can be gone in the blink of an eye. I don't really know if anyone taught me this lesson except for past experiences. Everything from having best friends move away to love one's dying I have realized that you shouldn't even take having an enemy for granted. It's not an easy lesson to learn, but it could very easily be learned in one day. Like I said things happen in the blink of an eye, in one second your life could change forever. Depending on how you interpret this life lesson also depends on the age at which you learn it. Through-out life you become wiser and you are filled with more wisdom. With life comes lesson's and with lesson's comes wisdom.
My Dad's Life Lesson:
All of life is a gift and you can learn to just say thank you for each of life's gifts. Or you can whine, complain and worry about the gifts life doesn't give you that you believe you deserve. People can sit around and complain that they don't have a new car or a million dollars. Be grateful for what you have, and don't sit around and complain about what you don't have. It can not be learned in one day and my Dad learned it throughout the years.
My Mom's Life Lesson:
If your happy with the person looking back at you in the mirror, mission accomplished. This means you should always, without a doubt, be YOURSELF! You should treat others how you want to be treated, say only nice things to one another. Be the person God would want you to be. My Mom was taught this lesson by her parents. It takes many years to learn this lesson.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Rich and Ugly!
If I had to choose between being rich and ugly or poor and beautiful I would be rich and ugly. Look at the Hunger Games for example. She was poor and beautiful but look at her life, it wasn't very great. Maybe if she would have been totally rich from the beginning it would have gotten her farther in life. So there for I would like to be rich and ugly. So what if your ugly, you will have enough money people won't care about what you look like they will just care about how much money you have.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Back to School...
August 27 it was, and I had to go to school. Before I knew it August 31st was upon us. I had survived the first week of school, band was nothing knew but Geometry was. Geometry was easy at first but is slowly becoming harder. Chemistry is very detailed in everything we do, Mrs.Water's class is AMAZING! (Not really i'm not a fan of reading certain books, but it's definitely not the hardest class I have). World History is pretty easy but as of the first week of school I hope every class is. BIM is alright, but Spanish isn't my calling. Then you come to Art which is pretty amazing since for one, it's 8th period and for two it's art who doesn't love art?
I think it's going to be a pretty good year as long as having fun balances out the learning part of school.
I think it's going to be a pretty good year as long as having fun balances out the learning part of school.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Write a blog about why you hate taking EOC's...
There are many reasons I hate taking EOC's, some of the reasons are because it prolongs Summer Break. If we didn't have tests time would fly bye. I hate taking EOC's because the State doesn't care enough about the "future of education." End of Course tests are terrible and should not be taken.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
The Less Enemy's the More Friends...
The less enemy's you have in life the better. If you have a lot of enemy's and not a lot of friends you need to work on your life. Less is more in some cases. So like I said the less enemy's you have the more friends you will have.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
My Parents...
Well my mom played basketball and was book smart. My Dad was book smart and still is. I see him as if he was a rebel back in the day, but my Mom... not so much. My parents are kind of like me, (but i'm cooler.)
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Monday, April 16, 2012
My Perfect Purple Room
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Purple, Purple, Purple! |
Friday, April 13, 2012
The Kardashian's Bright Side!
Recent news articles have said that Lamar Odom has quit playing basketball for the Dallas Mavericks. Those articles are true but it turns out the Kardashian's have a good side to them...Surprising right?!? Lamar says he chose family over his career. He stated that he resigned in order to become closer to his wife. Most people would never find this interesting and truthfully I don't find it that interesting either, but the fact that Lamar might possibly wear off on the Kardashian's is something to pray about! (READ MORE!!!!!
Friday, March 30, 2012
My Favorites!
My favorite book is the Hunger Games, it's dramatic every minute of the book. It's suspenseful but at the same time it's a love story. My favorite movie is Bridesmaids Unrated, it has a few bad parts but it's very funny but true at the same time. My favorite song is Paradise. I like the rhythm and the music video is hilarious.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Friday's Movie Day
Whenever the whole school is carrying around the same book and actually reading it, there is definitely something going on. The Hunger Games is a world wide phenomenon and many people can't wait for the movie. Just like Wellington High School, where the students are very smart and caring.
We all love reading The Hunger Games series, and to top it all off watching the movie would be amazing! What better way for a whole school to be together in one place and one time, ON A FRIDAY...!?!
So, our wonderful, amazing, love, caring, patient, principal should let us go watch it!
Please Coach Ashmore, can we go to the movies? Think about it, we are a great class of students, the Freshman are amazing, The Sophmores are great, The Juniors are good, and The Seniors are ok.
The Hunger Games is a great book, and the movie will be even better! But, the only way to go see it as a school is with your help!
We all love reading The Hunger Games series, and to top it all off watching the movie would be amazing! What better way for a whole school to be together in one place and one time, ON A FRIDAY...!?!
So, our wonderful, amazing, love, caring, patient, principal should let us go watch it!
Please Coach Ashmore, can we go to the movies? Think about it, we are a great class of students, the Freshman are amazing, The Sophmores are great, The Juniors are good, and The Seniors are ok.
The Hunger Games is a great book, and the movie will be even better! But, the only way to go see it as a school is with your help!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
You will be missed Jordan!
Dear Jordan,
We didn't really get to know each other but I will still miss you! You seemed to be funny but yet nice! Goodbye have a safe trip and a happy life!
We didn't really get to know each other but I will still miss you! You seemed to be funny but yet nice! Goodbye have a safe trip and a happy life!
Monday, March 5, 2012
Carly's Day Off...
Whenever I feel sick I always love snuggling up in my favorite green and purple blanket. Eating crackers with chicken enchilada soup. Watching kid shows like Good Luck Charlie, (if I watch something sad I feel even worse) or Spongebob. I always have to have a soft comfy pillow to lay my precious head on and I glass of Sprite and Water beside me. Of course nothing can get your mind off of feeling sick like reading everyone's drama on Facebook!
Thursday, March 1, 2012
The Rock Hard Glass...
Most people would think this is just a antique glass jar, to me it is much more. This little hard as a rock glass jar almost crushed my skull Monday night. I was nonchalantly sitting at our kitchen table doing my homework when my mom shut the silverware drawer. This resulted in making the glass fall from the top of the cabinet down to my head. I was absolutely scared to death because at first I thought someone had driven by and tried to shoot through our kitchen window.
After realizing that no one was trying to shoot me in the head, and I regained my sense of awareness, I stood up to try and find where it came from. We found out that it was just a glass jar. The only way we found out, was because my mom never decorates in twos, only threes. There were only two "missiles" on the top of the cabinet.
I was listening to music the other night and somehow the vibration from the speakers had vibrated the jar just enough for it to sit on the ledge of the cabinet. When my mom shut the silverware drawer it made the glass fall off of the top of the cabinet coming down to my precious little head. Luckily I have lightening fast reflex and luck on my side. The glass plummets down and comes an inch next to my head. Surprisingly this rock hard glass didn't even crack...
After realizing that no one was trying to shoot me in the head, and I regained my sense of awareness, I stood up to try and find where it came from. We found out that it was just a glass jar. The only way we found out, was because my mom never decorates in twos, only threes. There were only two "missiles" on the top of the cabinet.
I was listening to music the other night and somehow the vibration from the speakers had vibrated the jar just enough for it to sit on the ledge of the cabinet. When my mom shut the silverware drawer it made the glass fall off of the top of the cabinet coming down to my precious little head. Luckily I have lightening fast reflex and luck on my side. The glass plummets down and comes an inch next to my head. Surprisingly this rock hard glass didn't even crack...
Friday, February 24, 2012
Smokey and the Bandits
Smokey had always wanted to be a raccoon but had never had the chance. One day while he was outside rolling around in the grass he saw two raccoons. The raccoons had mistaken Smokey for one of their own.
Smokey didn't have any objections to this so he went along with them. The raccoons decided to rob a squirrel den. Smokey despised squirrels, especially the flying ones so he had absolutely no objections to the idea.
As the three bandits made their way up the tree they saw the squirrel leaving his nice warm den. When the bandits scurried into the den they found a very warm and cozy place. The bandits were making themselves at home when the squirrel returned. The squirrel apparently had friends and many of them.
After a long battle the bandits were back on the ground and the squirrel was back in his den.
Smokey didn't have any objections to this so he went along with them. The raccoons decided to rob a squirrel den. Smokey despised squirrels, especially the flying ones so he had absolutely no objections to the idea.
As the three bandits made their way up the tree they saw the squirrel leaving his nice warm den. When the bandits scurried into the den they found a very warm and cozy place. The bandits were making themselves at home when the squirrel returned. The squirrel apparently had friends and many of them.
After a long battle the bandits were back on the ground and the squirrel was back in his den.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Salty Bullet the Flashiest Of Them All!
Salty Bullet was scratching his booty on a fence post. It was a beautiful day when his owners pulled up with his horse trailer.
They opened the back of the trailer and out walked a beautiful brown headed blue eyed horse. With silky smooth, glistening fur. Salty didn't want to see what would be invading his privacy so he quickly turned around and kept on a scratchin'.
Paprika walked out of the trailer and her first sight of Salty was him sratchin' his booty. Paprika was really turned off even before she saw Salty's face.
When Salty heard Paprika neigh he turned around to find her booty right in his face. Salty got very angry, for he hadn't seen Paprika's face.
Paprika and Salty turned around at the same to find themselves staring into each other's eyes. Salty didn't know how to save himself from the embarrassment of scratching his itch, so he let Paprika neigh at him first. To his dismay Paprika actually liked him!
Salty was still very embarrassed of Paprika's first impression of him, and Paprika was still not sure if she could get the image out of her head, but since it was Valentines Week she decided she would give him a shot. . .
They opened the back of the trailer and out walked a beautiful brown headed blue eyed horse. With silky smooth, glistening fur. Salty didn't want to see what would be invading his privacy so he quickly turned around and kept on a scratchin'.
Paprika walked out of the trailer and her first sight of Salty was him sratchin' his booty. Paprika was really turned off even before she saw Salty's face.
When Salty heard Paprika neigh he turned around to find her booty right in his face. Salty got very angry, for he hadn't seen Paprika's face.
Paprika and Salty turned around at the same to find themselves staring into each other's eyes. Salty didn't know how to save himself from the embarrassment of scratching his itch, so he let Paprika neigh at him first. To his dismay Paprika actually liked him!
Salty was still very embarrassed of Paprika's first impression of him, and Paprika was still not sure if she could get the image out of her head, but since it was Valentines Week she decided she would give him a shot. . .
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
The Special Fish...
One fine summer day BJ and Madison were fishing down by the river in the little community of Wellington, Texas. Madison wanted to get in the nice cool water since it was 110 degrees outside, but BJ wouldn't let her. He said she could get bit by a mean and gruesome fish. They had nicely been sitting there all day long waiting for a fish to come along and bite at the bait on the fishing pole. It probably seems easier than it looks, if only that were true. Madison was getting very restless sitting and wait for one little fish to come along.
On the other side of the river Mrs. Water's and Briley were sitting with their feet dangling in the water. Where there was water, Briley would be waiting patiently to jump in.
Meanwhile on the other side of the river Madison was still waiting for a fish. Whining to her father that there probably weren't any fish ever in the river since it was so hot. BJ who was about ready to give up trying to find a fish said that they would just stay for thirty more minutes.
When Briley heard she only had thirty more minutes she jumped into the crystal clear water. She thought it would be funny to swim across the river and tug on Madison's fishing pole. As Briley jumped into the water her mother and father were not paying attention to where she went because Kane needed his diaper changed. If they had seen Briley sneak down into the water they would have known that World War Three was about to begin.
Madison didn't see her sister jump in either because she had her eyes glue to the fishing pole waiting for that one special fish.
As Briley sneakily started swimming to the other side of the river she could see Madison's fishing pole but wait she saw something else too! Madison had her feet dangling in the water! Briley now made a few adjustment's to her plan and decided that instead of grabbing the fishing pole she would grab Madison!
Madison was very unaware that she was going to be pulled down into the water. She had thought about getting in but then remember that if she jumped in she would disturb the special fish that was fixing to come and bite at the bait. Little did she know that there was a very special fish coming her way!
Briley was now fixing to make her move. She came up for air one last time before grasping her sister. When she came up she could see her parent's still trying to find a diaper to change Kane and she could see Madison with her eyes glued to the fishing pole. She filled her lungs with an enormous amount of air and plunged into the water. She had a perfect aim at Madison, this was the moment she had been waiting for.
By now Madison was very mad and on the verge of screaming. She decided to wait because she had a feeling there was still that special fish fixing to grab the bait.
Briley skilfully grabbed Madison's dangling feet and "BAM!" under the water she went.
Madison didn't know what had hit her but as she went down she realized that her parents weren't beside her or Briley. Where was Briley at!?! All Madison knew to do was scream! Once Madison got underneath the water she saw Briley floating up to the top of the water, smiling.
When they both got to the top of the water Mrs. Waters and BJ were standing and laughing along with Kane. Briley thought it was hilarious unlike Madison who never caught her fish. After Madison thought about it she guessed she did catch a fish, a very special fish!
On the other side of the river Mrs. Water's and Briley were sitting with their feet dangling in the water. Where there was water, Briley would be waiting patiently to jump in.
Meanwhile on the other side of the river Madison was still waiting for a fish. Whining to her father that there probably weren't any fish ever in the river since it was so hot. BJ who was about ready to give up trying to find a fish said that they would just stay for thirty more minutes.
When Briley heard she only had thirty more minutes she jumped into the crystal clear water. She thought it would be funny to swim across the river and tug on Madison's fishing pole. As Briley jumped into the water her mother and father were not paying attention to where she went because Kane needed his diaper changed. If they had seen Briley sneak down into the water they would have known that World War Three was about to begin.
Madison didn't see her sister jump in either because she had her eyes glue to the fishing pole waiting for that one special fish.
As Briley sneakily started swimming to the other side of the river she could see Madison's fishing pole but wait she saw something else too! Madison had her feet dangling in the water! Briley now made a few adjustment's to her plan and decided that instead of grabbing the fishing pole she would grab Madison!
Madison was very unaware that she was going to be pulled down into the water. She had thought about getting in but then remember that if she jumped in she would disturb the special fish that was fixing to come and bite at the bait. Little did she know that there was a very special fish coming her way!
Briley was now fixing to make her move. She came up for air one last time before grasping her sister. When she came up she could see her parent's still trying to find a diaper to change Kane and she could see Madison with her eyes glued to the fishing pole. She filled her lungs with an enormous amount of air and plunged into the water. She had a perfect aim at Madison, this was the moment she had been waiting for.
By now Madison was very mad and on the verge of screaming. She decided to wait because she had a feeling there was still that special fish fixing to grab the bait.
Briley skilfully grabbed Madison's dangling feet and "BAM!" under the water she went.
Madison didn't know what had hit her but as she went down she realized that her parents weren't beside her or Briley. Where was Briley at!?! All Madison knew to do was scream! Once Madison got underneath the water she saw Briley floating up to the top of the water, smiling.
When they both got to the top of the water Mrs. Waters and BJ were standing and laughing along with Kane. Briley thought it was hilarious unlike Madison who never caught her fish. After Madison thought about it she guessed she did catch a fish, a very special fish!
Friday, February 3, 2012
Loving of the Senses!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Forgive But Don't Forget
Forgiving someone is the hardest thing to do sometimes. Usually it depends what the crime is, if someone kills one of your family members it would be really hard to forgive that person. If someone just steals your pencil it would be easy to forgive someone. "Not forgiving someone is like drinking the poison and waiting for the other man to die." This means that if someone does something to you and you hold the grudge forever, the other person isn't going to suffer. If you drank the poison you will be the one suffering. The other person isn't going to suffer because they aren't the one holding the grudge. I don't believe with the term "Forgive and forget," I believe that you should forgive the person but not forget what they did to you. You should remember what they did so you can LEARN FROM YOUR EXPERIENCES!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
The Fly of Test Taking!!!
If I was a fly on the wall, I would "buzz" to each teacher's classrooms to make their tests. While they were making their tests, I could watch and see what their answers were. So when I went to class I would know all of the answers. I would hang on to the wall right by their desk's so I would have a great view of all the right answers! So then when all of my classmates made terrible grades on terrible tests, I would make a 100!!! I doubt they would get that suspicious, and if they did...Oh well! I would have so much fun being a "creepy little fly on the wall!"
Friday, January 13, 2012
Positopia is located somewhere in Texas...I oversee what goes on in Positopia but my family helps me keep everyone in place. You can live in Positopia as long as you're a positive person 24/7. If you say one rude thing to someone or say something negative you're kicked out. There are only certain things you can drive, it has to be white, black, red, brown, or purple. I have the best car of all though, as well as all of my family. Whenever you pull up to the gas pump your gas will be free. You can wear whatever you want as long as it isn't shorter than your underwear or lower than a tank top. You can live where ever you want but you have to have at least a backyard, I don't want a concrete city. If you are caught doing illegal drugs you will have to walk everywhere you go, where a ski suit everyday all day, and you won't be allowed to have a job. If you're doing illegal drugs we all know you aren't payin for 'em anyway! If you do anything else you will be punished accordingly. I hope everyone loves Positopia, no one should ever be sad or mad because no one ever dies! You can have as many kids as you want as long as you can take care of them. You have to date someone for a year or longer, then once you get married you can't get divorced. You can have whatever kind of house you want because building it and what you put in it is free. You have to be a Christian in my Positopia and if your not you will never be allowed in.
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